Who can come?
In addition to artists, everyone who is interested in visiting us can come. We also welcome helpers and guests.
When to come to Stone Oven House?
In January, when it smells of mulled wine and gingerbread; red, crackling fire emitting from the fireplace, and feels of warmth from under the cozy blankets.
In February, when nobody is here, and nothing happens. Only snow and blue smoke coming from the chimney.
In March, when there are drifts everywhere, and I can still ski. I don't mind sleeping in woolen socks.
In April, when a young cloud walks in the gorge, and streams run along the green slopes. It’s the time of year when I could do with having some rubber boots.
In May, when the rain becomes part of the landscape, and there is a hot soup of fresh nettles for lunch.
In June, when, each night, thousands of fireflies flicker among the trees, and dandelion salad is on the table.
In July, when it is hot in the city, but humid and sunny in the mountains. I can jump in waterfalls all day long, if I want!
In August, when the house is full of interesting guests, and the stars are falling from the sky.
In September, when I can eat pasta with olive oil, cherry tomatoes and fresh basil every day.
In October, when it is time to pick sweet chestnuts and try fresh figs.
In November, when everyone leaves, but the apples and kiwis arrive, and start to ripen. It’s the time of year to begin chopping firewood.
In December, when snowfall comes to replace the Indian summer, and garlands are shining in every window.
But the number of rooms is limited. We recommend you to plan your visit a few months in advance. However sometimes we have free space in current time. Contact us!
When is it better?
Decide what you want to get from your stay with us. If you like concerts, exhibitions, parties and a large number of bright and interesting people around at the same time, come in June, July or August. Just keep in mind that at this time we have the most guests and it is worth making an appointment in advance. Late spring and early autumn are calmer here, but still beautiful. It can be quite cold in the house in late autumn and winter. But when there are many guests, the house can be warmed up. You need a lot of firewood and enthusiasts who will chop it down and regularly throw it into fireplaces and stoves. So plan to come with a company of like-minded people who are not afraid of the rural life of northern Italy.
When to send you an application?
Limited number of seats. It is better to arrange your arrival with us in advance, several months in advance. It is also true that places appear at the last moment. Write us!
When is your next event?
Better if you subscribe to our newsletter, send an email to balovin.beccato@gmail.com with the subject: "I want to subscribe to the news." Or follow our Facebook updates: http://fb.com/stoneovenhouse

How to send an application and participate in the residency?
All informations and application forms are at the link: http://stoneovenhouse.com/artist
How to organize a concert for a musician?
We are always glad to host musicians. Just remember, this is still more a house than a concert hall or bar. And the project is non-profit: don't expect to make a lot of money. Around the house there are green forests and cows graze. We are announcing this event for friends of the House with a Stove. You can invite your friends. It will rather be such a cozy home party. But it usually turns out beautifully and mentally. Write to balovin.beccato@gmail.com
How much does it cost to stay with you?
You can stay for free if you are comfortable with a bed in the common room or a tent. But you cannot avoid food cost and other inevitable expenses, which we distribute among guests and residents in such a way that everyone can stay with us, regardless of income level. If you want to relax on a budget, come as an assistant and your contribution will be minimal. However, we expect real help from the helpers. Separate conditions for young and professional artists. And guests who come on vacation are invited to contribute a little more, supporting the project with their financial participation. You can also rent a private room or apartment. The renting cost will depend on your request. In any case, here you can spend exactly as much as you are used to spend travelling.
Apart from food, what else does common expenses include?
In addition to food and wine, expenses include electricity, gas, water, gasoline, internet, waste disposal, service, repairs, cleaning products, supplies, and toilet paper. All of this is included in the daily contribution.
You have become famous for your life without using money. Do you need money now?
Yes, we really traveled without a wallet to understand and show whether it was possible to live without money. This project has been successfully completed, but we continue to develop the idea of freedom without money in the Stone Oven Hosue. We practice barter, and we also accept those who have no money at all. But we do not want to limit everything to rigid frames. Refusing money is not the main theme of the project.
Why should I pay if I help with the housework?
Helpers do not pay for housing if they are comfortable with sharing a common room or tent. But we all contribute for food and other inevitable expenses. At the same time, the contribution of helpers is minimal. Imagine that your help with the housework can reduce your travel expenses by 5-10 times.
What to take with me? I am coming to stay there for a while.
Take only what you usually need. Nothing special. We will provide you with bed linen and towels. From November to May, the house is not so warm, and sometimes even cold. It makes sense to bring pajamas and wool socks. Well, we also do not refuse presents
Can I organize a concert / master class / course / conference with you?
You can. Please email us at balovin.beccato@gmail.com
Can I get a discount for my friends?
We don't sell anything. So there are no discounts here either. We propose to split the total costs in such a way that it is available to everyone. There is a minimum daily contribution and there is an opportunity to support the project in addition with your donation. How much you want to help is up to you.
Can I come if I have no money at all?
We try to accept those who cannot participate financially as well. But our possibilities are limited. We can accept no more than two volunteers at a time. If you are registered at Workaway.info, you can submit an application through this site. Or by submitting a request, explain why you cannot share financial costs with other guests and what benefits you are ready to bring. We will answer if we are ready to receive you.
Can I eat my own meals without participating in the common expenses?
Common expenses include more than food, see above. If you really need to, you can cook for yourself. In general, our common table is one of the main components of life in the residence. Communication takes place at the table.
Can I rent one of your houses and live there with family or friends, regardless of the community?
This is possible if the house is free. We must agree on this in advance. Please email us at balovin.beccato@gmail.com
Is it possible to rent the entire residence for a birthday or wedding party for 100 people?
Difficult, but possible. Please email us at balovin.beccato@gmail.com
Can I buy farm products from you?
We periodically purchase honey, milk, cheese, wine and other products from local farmers. If you are interested in something, we will help you to find it.
Can I come for a lunch/dinner/aperitif?
Sure, just let us know in advance when you want to come. So you will find us for sure. Please, fill up the letter at this link: http://stoneovenhouse.com/visit/
Do you have WiFi?
We have WiFi.

- welcome
- program
- 2024
- Performance con Lucciole
- Sinfonia Distante — Secret Open + Routing Ensample
- Il Sentiero si tratta camminando. Federico Basso
- Vignettes — Marc Standing
- About Becky — Dien Dien (Nadine Borst)
- Tra Due. Simon Lambrey
- KUTHI – A Mechanical Puppet Performance by Tricktrek Theatre Project
- Crocodile – A Puppet Performance by Tricktrek Theatre Project
- Mandril Reborn — Marc Ferrario
- Furia y Despegue — Enrique Morales, Diego Mometti, Federico Basso
- Musica Marziale — Matteo Tambussi & Cristina Ramat
- Repair & Swap Day at Casa col Forno
- Illustrated Cartography Workshop with Marina Demchenko
- Felicia Juno & Alan Lowles — Live Jazz Performance
- From Junk to Art — Workshop with Andrey Bilzho
- L’Abisso e L’Oasi — Guido Celli
- Furia y Despegue — Enrique Morales, Diego Mometti, Federico Basso
- Mapping Rorà — A Presentation with Marina Demchenko
- From Junk to Art — Workshop with Andrey Bilzho
- 2023
- Ekaterina Galaktionova. Cadavere Squisito
- Umano/Non Umano. Lev Nikitin
- “SOH Canta!” directed by Irmhild Wicking
- Ksenia Fedorova, Max Rudenko, Dannil Koronkevich.
- The Garden. Anna Tretyakova
- Open studio. Shamil Shaaev, Elena Horgan
- KASKAD. Project as Method
- Voices in Dialogue with the Elements
- Blue Reed Duo
- Sound performance. Gianni Grandi
- ABC — 2022. Andrey Bilzho
- Daniele Petti. Natural pigments. Workshop
- Gianni Denitto. Live saxophone and electronic
- Monica Perosino. La Neve di Mariupol. Book presentation
- East. Photographs by Alessandro Treggiari
- Katya Kabalina. Sensible objects
- Balovin and Beccato. In Kind Exchange
- Zoya Pilipenko. Puzzles. Open studio
- Lev Nikitin. Senso di Fame. Interactive performance
- Witness Trauma. Film screening and meeting with director Taya Zubova
- Transmorphing. Balovin&Beccato
- Religious/Political. Group exhibition of artists in residency
- 2022
- Ceramographics . Dragoljub David Stankovikj
- Conversation on the war in Ukraine and testimonies of resistance
- Kharkiv 2022. Kirill Gonchar. Photo chronicle of destroyed city
- Meeting with eyewitnesses of the war in Ukraine
- Matteo Tambussi. Concert supporting Ukraine
- Pisa: Ukraine and Russia. Art for Freedom.
- Open Studios. Italian, Ukrainian and Russian artists
- Lorenzo Gnata: Sulla Rotta
- Cristina Arnone: Conversations with trees, animals and human hart
- Gianni Pavan: Sounds and Silence of the Nature
- Daniil Shumikhin. Twenty Twenty Two
- Blu Polokkio
- 2021
- 2020
- Tarik Hanif. Florilegium
- Malacosa Teatro. Atypical Sung Variations.
- Jolin Lab. Stellaria
- Alessandro Sciaraffa, Daniele Galliano. «Stars and Flowers»
- Weaverbirds Collective. Aurora
- Vanja Vukovic. Exclusive Clouds
- Open studio with young artists: Laura Tolen, Jacqueline Hoefnagels, Molly Johnson, Nell Mitchell.
- Alexey Mironov. Bon Voyage
- La Pushkin
- 2019
- Anastasia Sukhareva-Morozova. Utitled
- Sergei Prokofiev. Place
- Lev Nikitin. Scotoma
- Matteo Tambussi. Live
- Beppe Giampà. Live
- Adrian Geller. I was pretty lucky
- Valdo Morel. Flash
- 20 Strings. Live
- Da ladno. Russian Folk
- Cynthia Fusillo. I Have All I Need
- Marta Zapparoli: Acoustic Sketch Portraits
- Erik Schou. Non Ci Sono Lucciole Senza Buio
- Ilaria Allegri. Live
- RednakS
- Stefano Fiori & Giuliano De Marco. Live Blues
- Animated movies
- Simon Lambrey. Being humans.
- Maximiliano Siñani. Apaccieta n.2
- Marina Skepner. My Shallow Roots
- 2018
- Sonic Picnic
- Die Dschunkel
- Iris Jans. Veranderen. Verschuiven
- The Trivettes Bluegrass Night
- Einar Breistrand Gerrard and Vovka Kozhekin
- Domestico — Selvatico
- Mitya Kharshak: Scaffolded City
- La Città delle Vedove di ClaudIo Celentano
- Jam with Dingo
- Con/Certo Senza Biglietto
- Harry Jones–Martin. Moving Semiotics — Language in The DigitaL Age
- Natalya Zaloznaya. The Model of a Failed Escape
- Bread and Jam
- Julia Belova: Mellow Yellow Swallows Bellow
- Makepop!
- The Cartoons You’ve Never Seen: Ivan Maximov, Leonid Shmellkhov and the others
- Camminare con Nicol Guerra
- Dragoljub David Stankovikj: Molitva
- Da Ladno!
- Vea
- Fabrizio Urbisaglia & Ivan Canello
- 2017
- Dragoljub David Stankovikj
- ManiaXXX
- The Crickets Under the Water
- The Cartoons You've Never Seen
- Import/Export
- Forno Filosofico
- Gingi Statman: Mattoni Matti
- Introduction to Meditation with Gian Luigi Cargnel
- Kombu Project
- Beppe Giampà
- Jam with Josephina Schiller
- Orphic Wind Van
- Con/Certo Senza Biglietto
- Ciento Lindo Party
- In Kind Exchange
- Olga Niconova
- Russian Authors Animation
- 2024
- stone oven house
- art residency
- neighbourhood
- donation
- contacts
- RU
- IT
- Repair & Swap Day at Casa col Forno

Where to fly?
The nearest airport is in Turin (Turin-Caselle Airport). From there it takes about an hour to get to us by car. But there are more flights to Milan. The car ride from Milan is about 2-3 hours. If you have a driver's license and budget allows, then the easiest way is to rent a car and follow the navigator.
Where to go by car?
Our address and location is here: http://stoneovenhouse.com/contacts-ru. But quite often the navigator makes mistakes and leads guests higher to the village or even to another place. Please make sure that the point on the navigator matches the mark on our map.
Follow your GPS navigator, our address and location are here http://stoneovenhouse.com/contacts/. It happens often that with the right address navigator brings you father up to the village or to the other place. Please check if your navigator shows the same location as on the map of our site. Please plan your arrival before dinner. The best is to come before 6-7PM, then we have time to show you the room and have a dinner together.
From Milan without a car?
From Milan you have to come to Turin, then Pinerolo, then Luserna San Giovanni and finally Rorà, Stone Oven House.
So heading to Turin...
You can check which is the airport of your arrival and book the tickets for the direct bus to Turin on flixbus.com or sadem.it. Booking the tickets in advance you may save some money. You can also buy tickets in the airport. It will cost you 20–25 euro. The bus will bring you to Vittoria Emanuele street or to the Torino Porta Susa train station.
Another option is to take a bus or a train from the airport to the Central Train Station of Milan (Milano Centrale). Bus will cost you 5–8 euro. Train could be a bit more expensive. In Milano Centrale you switch to the train to Turin. The ticket price starts from 12 euro. The cheapest ride takes about 2 hours. You can also save some money taking the train ticket from Milan to Pinerolo, but anyway you'll have an interchange in Turin.
The last and cheapest option is to get a ride through BlaBlaCar (https://www.blablacar.com/): this is an online platform that connects drivers with empty seats and people traveling the same way. You will share the travel cost with the driver and the other passengers. Sing up on the website blablacar.com and find a ride to Torino or closer to our place.
From Turin without a car?
From Turin you have to come to Pinerolo, then Luserna San Giovanni and finally Rorà, Stone Oven House.
-You can try to get a ride through BlaBlaCar (https://www.blablacar.com/): this is an online platform that connects drivers with empty seats and people traveling the same way. You will share the travel cost with the driver and the other passengers. Sing up on the website blablacar.com and find a ride to Pinerolo or closer to our place. You will find below info how to get to us from Pinerolo
-You can take a direct train from Torino Porta Susa or Torino Lingotto to Pinerolo (https://www.trenitalia.com/); the cost is around 4 euro.
From Pinerolo without a car?
From Pinerolo you have to come to Luserna San Giovanni and from there you go to Rorà, Stone Oven House.
From Pinerolo train station take the 901 bus to Torre Pellice. Usually the bus waits for the train and it departs in front of the ticket office. You can buy the bus ticket at the coffee shop in the station (if the coffee shop is closed, just ask to the bus driver): it costs 2.70 euro. The journey takes about 20 minutes. Get off at Luserna San Giovanni, the bus stop is in a large square in the center of the village.
From Luserna San Giovanni without a car?
There is only one bus on Friday morning that leaves from Luserna San Giovanni and goes to Rorà. So you can try to plan your trip to us on a Friday. The bus leaves at 12pm from the main square of Luserna San Giovanni, where there is a large parking lot. The ticket is on sale on the bus.
From Luserna San Giovanni you can also easily hitchhike, or we can try to arrange a lift for you. The car ride will cost about 15 euro. May be someone from our team will be in the downtown and will be able to pick you up. If you don't have mobile internet or a possibility to call us when you arrive to Luserna San Giovanni, you can go to the Le Tre Galline coffee shop. It is just in the main square. There they provide wifi.
If you decide to hitchhike, ask a lift to Rorà or Casa Col Forno (Stone Oven House). Stone Oven House is about a 10s-minute drive from Luserna San Giovanni. Usually the local people know where we are. If someone gives you a ride, please be thankful and feel free to invite them for a coffee in the house, present some little souvenir to the driver, such a coin from your country or a postcard. A symbolic present will make the driver happy for sure.
If you don't have a heavy luggage you can even walk from Luserna to the residency. It'll take about 1,5-2 hours. The road is beautiful.
Please plan your arrival before dinner. The best is to come before 6-7PM, then we have time to show you the room and have a dinner together.
Where else is interesting to go nearby Stone Oven House residency?
Read about it here http://stoneovenhouse.com/surroundings/